6.0.18 Artificial Flowers, Homeware, Decorativeaccessories | Next Taiwan
NT$4000 以上快速且免運|已付關稅



選購華麗的綠色植物和漂亮的花朵來裝飾您的室內環境。 探索真正及仿真的植物和花朵,為您的主題顏色添姿彩,為全年所有時節營造氛圍。 從現代玻璃和陶瓷花瓶中的絲質花朵擺設,到生動有趣的多肉植物和龜背竹類植物,值得您一一擁有。 選購仿真乾花、蒲葦和棕櫚葉來製作您自己獨特的裝飾擺設和花束。 還可以選購適合擺放在書桌和窗戶的小型室內植物,或搭配室內絲蘭花及桉樹盆栽。



Hydrangea Arrangement (201781) | NT$1,670
Artificial Bronx Monstera Plant (C37679) | NT$3,890
Artificial Eucalyptus Bouquet And Confetti Vase (N76042) | NT$1,980
Set Of 3 Artificial Trailing Plants (BFC510) | NT$830
Artificial Real Touch Orchid In Geo Pot (BTR954) | NT$1,270
Set Of 2 Artificial Hydrangea Stems (Q67003) | NT$640
Artificial Olive Branch (Q67030) | NT$640
Artificial Vibernum Plant In Country Pot (C21329) | NT$1,510
Artificial Mini Kentia Palm Plant In Ribbed Concrete Pot (C31139) | NT$950
Bronx Artificial Bonsai Tree Plant In Wooden Pot (A90061) | NT$990
Bronx Wall Planter With Artificial Plants (M62812) | NT$1,790
Artificial Allium Plant (B1P496) | NT$790