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It's time to get layering and there's no better way to brave the cooler weather than in a warm and stylish gilet. Nail the look and head out in a cool maxi dress with statement boots and a padded gilet. Our womens gilet collection covers classic black gilets, longline versions and quilted versions to name a few. Your casual winter dress code has never looked this good.

海軍藍 - Joules Minx菱格紋防水背心 (863930) | NT$2,330
黑色 - Threadbare長款夾棉背心 (Q70277) | NT$1,870
黑色 - 輕盈鋪棉背心 (795672) | NT$1,490
Joules Atwell防雨雙面穿背心 (421805) | NT$3,730
黑色 - 夾棉長款背心 (955763) | NT$2,310
白色 - Joules Minx菱格紋防水背心 (287132) | NT$2,330
Mocha棕色 - 可反穿腰身马甲 (119077) | NT$2,450
玫瑰粉紅色 - Joules Minx菱格紋防水背心 (428518) | NT$2,330
綠色 - Joules Minx菱格紋防水背心 (231991) | NT$2,330
黑色 - Superdry Everest連帽鋪棉背心 (317035) | NT$4,190
黑色 - Joules Stately 菱格紋防水背心 (955816) | NT$3,500
藍色 - Tog 24 Cowling保暖背心 (352151) | NT$2,750