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Embrace the elements in style with our fashionable and functional collection of hooded coats and jackets. Keeping you comfy, cosy and most importantly, dry, we have padded, parka, trench and many more options for you to choose from in plenty of fabrics and colourways. Pair with your most trusted classic ankle boots for easy-going style, or with our hardy hikers for those longer adventures. Find your perfect coat today and never get caught out again.

粉色 - Tog 24 Keld長款軟殼外套 (D01611) | NT$2,800
Joules Harpsden防水長款連帽雨衣 (901847) | NT$7,420
綠色 - Regatta Birgitta防水外套 (177084) | NT$3,270
卡其綠色 - Love & Roses防水派克風衣 (K34885) | NT$3,500
岩灰色 - 短菱格紋夾克外套 (682820) | NT$2,420
丁香紫 - Tog 24 Craven Waterproof Jacket (212731) | NT$2,290
綠色 - Yours Curve防水輕便連帽外套 (K83886) | NT$1,450
米黃色 - Sheer Shower Proof Raincoat (Q79251) | NT$1,560
白色 - Regatta Bayletta 防水夹克 (176426) | NT$2,610
綠色 - Tog 24 Keld長款軟殼外套 (745514) | NT$2,800
藍色 - Tog 24 Garriston鋪棉外套 (M72310) | NT$3,030
朱古力啡色 - 防雨實用風格外套 (747855) | NT$2,450